ya ALLAH....
aku sentiasa ingat kat dia..
x bley ke dia hilang terus drpd diri aku??
ya ALLAH....
memang aku cinta dia..
tapi aku taw itu x mungkin..
aku redha dengan QADA' dan QADAR-mu..
ya ALLAH....
aku berdoa agar aku dipertemukan dengan jodohku..
sebaik2 manusia aku masih insan yang lemah..
aku mendambakan kasih-mu..

i hate you MR.SHSH....i hate the way you do this to me..you give me the feeling but you never realize it..nOpe2..you realize it but you ignore it right??so damn it!!!!

really tired of this game..i am still finding the truly right for me..but it's never comes....huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i had many pains..in love..friendship..family..my life..and everything around me..i try to solve my pain with crying but it doesnt work..

MR. SHSH, if you can feel what i am feel right now..you will know how much i suffer because of this silly things....you will know it and feel it when the day comes to you..i still love you but i dont know how long it can be....
nOta kHaki:masih adakah lelaki yang mencintai aku apa adanya????
aku sentiasa ingat kat dia..
x bley ke dia hilang terus drpd diri aku??
ya ALLAH....
memang aku cinta dia..
tapi aku taw itu x mungkin..
aku redha dengan QADA' dan QADAR-mu..
ya ALLAH....
aku berdoa agar aku dipertemukan dengan jodohku..
sebaik2 manusia aku masih insan yang lemah..
aku mendambakan kasih-mu..

i hate you MR.SHSH....i hate the way you do this to me..you give me the feeling but you never realize it..nOpe2..you realize it but you ignore it right??so damn it!!!!

really tired of this game..i am still finding the truly right for me..but it's never comes....huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i had many pains..in love..friendship..family..my life..and everything around me..i try to solve my pain with crying but it doesnt work..

MR. SHSH, if you can feel what i am feel right now..you will know how much i suffer because of this silly things....you will know it and feel it when the day comes to you..i still love you but i dont know how long it can be....
nOta kHaki:masih adakah lelaki yang mencintai aku apa adanya????
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